
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Homework - half term

How is the representation of gender handled in this clip?
mis en scene
camera work
optional: sound
- Tackle the targets I gave you as feedback.
- Use key terminology from the lesson
- Argue about whether gender representation conforms to, or challenges, convention.

Vintage sexism

TV Tropes: Gender Dynamics Index

Feminist and post-feminist theory

Please read through this, then use youtube to do the Britney Spears task at the end.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Archetypes and stereotypes

Find an archetypal male or female character from this website.

or this one

Find a short clip on youtube/TV to illustrate this character.

Stereotype: A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

eg: 50 Cent conforms to the hip-hop stereotype of being a chauvinist gangster.
eg: The blonde women in Ken Russell films are stereotypically playful.

Archetype: An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype:

eg 1 Frankenstein has inspired many similar monsters; he is the ARCHETYPAL zombie.
eg 2: Dracula,  ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ - the ARCHETYPES of split personalities that have influenced all subsequent horror stories.