
Showing posts with label Homework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homework. Show all posts

Friday, 12 July 2013

Your homework for 19/7/13

Your homework

You must start to create your own website.- This is where you will be recording all your progress throughout the year. – it’s your new blog!



or if you have another site you prefer. It is pretty straight forward, choose a type of website- I went with entertainment. But whatever you would prefer.

It has videos all the way through to support you making this.

The section headings should be as follows (the same as your blog)

·         Coursework

·         Exam

·         Research and planning

·         Evaluation

·         Construction


You should add all work you have done since after exam into the appropriate areas of your blog.

This needs to be done for my lesson the 19th.

Any issues please let me know, before time so I can support you

Ms Steventon

Friday, 26 April 2013

3rd Evaluation Homework - Due 29th April

3rd and Final Evaluation Homework – Due 29th April

 Note: When answering your evaluation questions

  • You must title the post with what evaluation question you are answering – examiners are not going to hunt around for your work.
  • Keep the formats varied. THEY MUST NOT ALL BE ESSAYS!
(see previous evaluation homework for some resources to do this)

Question 1

  1. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
To answer this question think about

Consider your film what institution would be best to distribute your film.

  • Research two similar films as yours and see who distributed them.
  • What are the institutions and why were they most suitable for the films you chose?
  • Explain how and why you would choose the same institution.
Question 2

2.      What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

To answer this question think about

What tech have you used??
Explain each one how you used it why it was good/bad with examples.
  • Digital SLR cameras
  • Youtube
  • Blogger
  • Imovie
  • Any extra- garage band, prezi, animation software, audacity.
Question 3

3.    Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?  

To answer this question think about
§  What skills did you use in your preliminary task?
§  What went wrong what went well
§  What have you done differently from your preliminary task.
§  What have you learned?

Use to place footage of your preliminary task next to your main task to compare.
Or use to show the journey of your progress.

How to use lighting in videos.

This is a great series the guardian are doing on how to use lighting.
will help your projects and your evaulations!
episode 1


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Second Evaulation Homework - Due 26/4/13

This is your homework from Fridays lesson. 20/4/13

You need to answer these evaluation questions

1. Who would be the audience for your media product?

To do this consider who your audience is. Refer to any research you have done. Mention types of audience, mass, niche, 7 psychographics and groups.

2. How did you attract/address your audience?

To answer this you will have your annotated print screens of your films. You also should complete the qualitative audience research to support your answers. Remember this means using focus groups and screenings not questionnaires.
Do not forget to make sure your posts are engaging and not just written text.
 What the examiner said “In all cases, candidates should be encouraged to see the evaluation as a creative task and the potential of the format chosen should be exploited through the use of images, audio, video and links to online resources”

Some links to different resources to help you make your posts stand out and be more engaging.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013



Your seven evaluation questions can win you 20 marks overall. These are important.
Your homework: do first two questions. We’ll do the rest when you get back.

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Question 2: How does your product represent particular social groups?

Over these two questions you need to show:

                                    (DON'T JUST WRITE YOUR ANSWERS!)

-          Excellent understanding of representation, forms and conventions (Section A stuff)

-          Excellent communication (being able to write well; clear and concise; media-smart terminology; no waffling; honest self-reflection)


Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is where your research into similar film openings comes in. What made you decide to use that sound? That shot? That camera angle? The mis-en-scene? What do film openings do? What do story openings do? How does your opening conform to, or challenge, the genre? Where are you  borrowing from? Where are you being brave? What is your editing style?
Sometimes you’ll be following the basic rules: match on action, shot reverse shot, etc – and it’s ok to mention that, especially if it’s not that clear in your work! But those probably aren’t the shots that are the most interesting. Which shots really show that you’ve understood or challenged your genre?

Question 2: How does your product represent particular social groups?

Time and time again with Mr D, you’ve analysed the issues of representation in TV programs like Friday Night Lights, Diary of a Call Girl, The Wire and others. Race. Age. Location. Class.
Now it’s time to analyse YOUR opening in those terms. How are different social groups represented through camera, mis en scene, sound and editing?

It is vital that you:
1)      Engage with these questions very thoughtfully and honestly
2)      Find different ways of posting your response: powerpoint, vlog, podcast, and the occasional normal entry.

Here are a few exemplar blogs: (TO HELP YOU, NOT TO COPY)

Monday, 25 March 2013

Blog Improvements - Homework!

This must be completed by the 27/3/13

1) The homework on researching differnt opening squences.

2) Adding tabs for your navigation links, see your email for help with this.

3) Completing the script for your film

4) Sent out survey monkey questionaires.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Work to be done for 15/3/13

Work for fridays missed lesson

TASK1:  Watch this video

This is a video explaining the art and purpose of title sequences. This is a really interesting 6 minute interview with some of the industry's greats in the field.

explain in detail two of the techniques that are mentioned in the video.

Use these questions to help you

- What is the purpose of a title sequence? This should be a detailed explanation.

- What was different in how text was used in zombieland than other films.

- How has the designer of blue valentine tried to emotionally engage with the audience?

- What editing techniques has blue valentine used.

TASK 2: Watch these clips


 if you do not know the film use IMDB to search for what the films are about, and to help you decide their genre.
When writing about these openings consider the purpose of a title sequence. Use the questions below to support what you are saying
- What is the genre of the film

- Explain the style, (CGI, drawn, film?)

- Explain how the style supports the genre of the film

- How does it introduce you to the film?

- How does it draw you into the film?

- How is the font used? What effect do they have? How does it link to the films genre?

- What type of transitions are used by the editor? What effect do they have?

- How do the titles reflect the THEME of the film?
TASK 3: Now select two title sequences that have inspired your work and explain how.